Roy A. B. Quinata

“Generations will come and generations will pass, but if no generation has the conscience, courage, and moral conviction to right the wrongdoings of the past; then, the next generation will have to live with the same injustices in the future.”

The Late Senator Angel Santos

What I’ve Accomplished So Far

  • Committee on Infrastructure, Economic Development, Simon Sanchez High School, Disabilities Services, Self Determination Historic Preservation, Housing, Accountability, and the Guam Buildup

  • The Ma Kahat Act, also known as Bill 94-37, has been approved by the 37th Guam Legislature, allowing for the progress of rebuilding and constructing Simon Sanchez High School (SSHS). Senator Roy Anthony Benavente Quinata, an SSHS alumnus, introduced the bill and received the support of all 15 members of the legislature. Senator Quinata expressed gratitude to the SSHS stakeholders and the community for their backing and active involvement in two public hearings.

    The bill has integrated numerous recommended amendments gathered during the public hearings. Senator Quinata extends his appreciation to his cosponsors and the legislators who demonstrated their commitment to the educational welfare of our students by passing this crucial bill. Senator Quinata remarked, "I am grateful to everyone who supported this endeavor. It is a triumph for our students and showcases our ability to collaborate for positive change in our community."

    Simon Sanchez High School holds a significant historical standing as one of Guam's oldest schools, having operated as a high school since 1981 and serving countless students. However, the school has not undergone any major renovations or upgrades since its conversion, making it one of Guam's oldest active educational facilities. The passage of this bill enables the commencement of renovation and upgrading efforts for SSHS to meet current educational standards.

    The Ma Kahat Act encompasses provisions for modernizing classrooms, addressing much-needed repairs for existing buildings and infrastructure that have suffered from years of neglect due to limited funding resources. With these improvements in place, SSHS can continue its mission of providing quality education for future generations.

    Read Public Law 37-22

  • On November 10, Governor Lou Leon Guerrero signed Public Law 37-46, which mandates electronic reporting by all GovGuam entities. This law aims to ensure transparency and accessibility to all public information.

    Read Public Law 37-46

  • The Government of Guam will introduce a standardized typeface for official communications, including documents, reports, and emails. According to the United States Center for Disease Control, 1 in 4 individuals living on Guam has a disability, with 16% experiencing cognitive or visual impairments. Using an accessible font type can significantly aid those who struggle with reading text due to visual impairment or other disability-related challenges. I am committed to fostering an inclusive environment, ensuring everyone has equal access to information and opportunities.

    Read Public Law 37-35

  • As your Senator, preserving our island’s culture is of utmost importance. With the enactment of Public Law 37-45, the Inalahan Baptist Church Property is now entrusted to the Guam Preservation Trust, representing a significant stride toward safeguarding our heritage. Our legislature is actively collaborating with the government of Guam, the Inalåhan Mayor, and the Municipal Planning Council to ensure the restoration and safety of Lot No. 106-1 Block No. 12, formerly known as the Inalåhan Baptist Church. This is a crucial concern for the residents and visitors of Inalåhan village. We must persist in protecting our sites to guarantee that the next generation can understand their history and reflect on their past. I express my gratitude to my colleagues for their unanimous support in the passage of this legislation. Together, we strengthen our cultural legacy and the well-being of our community.

    Read Public Law 37-45

  • By December 31, 2024, every Government of Guam office must prominently display Automated External Defibrillators (A.E.D.s). These A.E.D.s will be accessible to the public in case of emergencies. Being prepared for the unexpected is crucial. Access to this life-saving equipment might enable us to save a life.

    Read Public Law 37-56

  • 7 Public Hearings, 3 Roundtable Hearings, 2 Informational Hearings, 1 Joint Oversight Hearing. Our Legislative Hearings covered a range of topics and provide valuable insights that shapes our policy making effort.